Sunday, April 14, 2013

Black Diamond the iPhone5: luxury! Regal to build the most expensive black diamond iPhone 5 asking price of one billion

It is said that the sale price of my soil Vertu is the minds of many people, true high rich handsome phone, but with the following, we want to introduce this iPhone 5 than, Vertu apparently can only be considered subsistence level.

For themselves, one from Hong Kong, a pseudonym Joe's mysterious rich, commissioned by the famous British luxury designer Stuart Hughes has created an exclusive Deluxe Edition iPhone 5 cost as much as $ 15.3 million (equivalent to nearly 100 million yuan!) definitely is one of the world's most expensive luxury phone

This astronomical iPhone 5 was drilled by the black and white diamonds and 24K gold Black Diamond material alone will be worth 900 million pounds, there are 600 white diamonds, containing 135 grams of 24K gold sapphire glass screen for the background alone Applethe logo on the set with 53 flawless diamonds. The whole phone most of the process to build by hand.

The, Joe students are said to carry a 26 kt Black Diamond personally approached the UK with Stuart Hughes, Stuart Hughes is an eye-opener - he works on a just a value of £ 1.92 million iPhone 3GS SUPREME only. Front of this black diamond iPhone 5 at least five times more expensive, we really do not understand the world of the rich